Simulation Update Speed

I am using multiple line sensors in a simulated environment. Unfortunately, the outputs are only updating every 0.5 seconds or so, so all my search functions are hugely overshooting. I wrote an iterative search procedure to get around this by reducing the speed to basically nothing, but this still takes a long time. We're talking 12 seconds per point, best case, with low accuracy. Higher accuracy gets to 25ish. I've got a lot of points to pick up and my simulations are taking a long time to test which is significantly impacting my workflow and I know it is not representative of the real world.

What can I do to improve update times for simulated sensors?


  • @Maxim Riabichev do you have any words of wisdom here?
  • Hello there,

    I will look into this and get back to you.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hello,

    In order to troubleshoot this issue we would need more data. Please contact your local ABB and ask for support, and provide a pack&go of the station.


    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer