[Request] Place—> Two Frames improvement

It would be nice in addition to ”Place->Two frames”, to have a version where you select From= a body/part/group, To=another body/part/group.

Example use case can be as follows:
I want to test if the new layout/gripper version is working for loading a part in a fixture.
Design engineer exports CAD files:
1. A robot gripper including the part in the gripper.
2. A fixture including the part as it should be placed.

I attach the gripper to the robot and teach a target anywhere. Now I select this target->place->”two parts” and then selects from=part in gripper and to=part in fixure.

This will move the robtarget so that robot is positioned in loading position.

Maybe there already is a way to do this?  

Currently I create frames and use Place-> ”two frames” but it’s kind of cumbersome when you testing layouts/gripper designs back and forth, with many fixture positions and many parts in robot grippers.

Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer


  • Hello,
    I'm not sure it's what you want but, you can define your part as UCS then set positions to 0.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • DenisFR said:
    I'm not sure it's what you want but, you can define your part as UCS then set positions to 0.
    Hi. For this to work I guess my TCP needs to be in part coordinate origin? 
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • Yes

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • DenisFR said:
    I'm looking for a way to avoid that. Sometimes part origin is waaay of (like several meters away) and not suitable as a tcp.

    I just want a quick way to put the robot in the load position, without creating any tcp's or temporary frames.

    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    You can change part origin.

    Generally, I ask designer to represent gripper to position, so I only need to move tool0 to gripper origin.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group