Wrong mediapool

Hello, I have RS5.07 on one computer and have just installed 5.08 on another. I am trying to transfer one of my real stations across to the newer system but am getting the following error.


What can i do? or what am i doing wrong?

"Argon Technology - your industrial robotics and automation partner, helping you build your tomorrow"


  • Hi
    The problem is that you don't have RobotWare 5.07.0153 installed on your computer.
    So you could do one of the following things
    - Install RW 5.07.0153
    - Edit "program.id" in the "INTERNAL" folder of the system to reflect the correct  path to the MediaPool
    - Use the System Builder to create a new system from the backup(from the other computer) and use that instead.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering