Note: Globally defined workobjects not fu


I'm using a RS5.08 and I want create a workObject. I create them but when I make the syncronisation with RSOnline, in a output window i recive a mensage "Note: Globally defined workobjects not fully supported. [5] 10-04-2007 9:35:47". In my program module it does not appear.image



Joao Fidalgo


  • Hi,

    You have to specify in the "Synch. To VC" window to what module the RS data should be synchronized. If you not specify an existing module, RS will create a new module with the name "module1" there the data will be created.

    The message you got is only a warning, and can normally be ignored.

    Instead of RSOnline I recommend that you use RobotStudios built in rapid editor.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi,



    Now it Works!image


    Joao Fidalgo