Program file saving manipulation and proper file directory architecture

I am new to ABB robot programming, and I am having issues. I need guidance on the proper way saving files and directory set-up. We have a new robot installed (IRB 2600) and created a new program. No issues with our very first program. Run perfectly well. But when I decided to create a new program by doing "save as" to copy and create. My dilemma started when I assign new motion positions on the newly created program on a new folder, I noticed a sub folder was automatically created on the first program folder with the same file name and the new positions I just created for the second program. I do not want my operators to be confused so I manually moved the unwanted folder on a "Do not use" folder. Am I doing the process wrong or something I do not understand regarding the program configuration particular to the motion instructions being Local or Global or Routines or Task Programs being shared. frowning_face Thanks in advance and appreciate your responses

Robot Info:
RobotWare Version


Best Answers

  • graemepaulin
    Answer ✓
    Saving a program creates a top level folder with the program name, under this are the module files (*.mod) and a file with the 'program name'.pgf.
    If you 'save as' a new top level folder will be created and the *.pgf file name within it will change but the module names will remain the same (any modified positions will the new ones). 
    When you load program the modules will be reloaded (including the modified positions within it), this will overwrite the modules currently loaded (and the positions).
    If you continue to modify things in the new program after the initial save as you will need to save it again (overwrite the currently saved program with the new name) so you save the modifications.

    Hope that makes sense.
  • graemepaulin
    Answer ✓
    If the current program has had changes that are not saved I think you get a warning to save them when you load a program.
    There is no way that I am aware of that you can change this behavior - if you load a program this is what you would want to happen.
    You can setup the user authorization system (UAS) to enable accounts where the rights to load/save a program is limited to those accounts you allow it.


  • Thanks for your reply graemepaulin. I was out of town and was not able to express my gratitude. So this process is normal as intended. I've done a file overwrite once to make sure the changes were saved on the file I was modifying. I double checked file version by verifying the date.
  • Graemepaulin,

    "When you load program the modules will be reloaded (including the modified positions within it), this will overwrite the modules currently loaded (and the positions)."

    Is there a way to remove this feature? Is this a default? what's the purpose and logic behind? This could throw off an existing file and if the operator is not paying attention, he could run the wrong position on a different part? 
  • I have to finally chime in on this thread.  Since the IRC5 came along with its .pgf program file saving, I have never used that method for saving, loading or anything.  I work with the individual modules, saving and loading the ones which get changed.  Otherwise, unchanged modules need not be re-saved.  Most of the programmers that I have worked with just edit modules in the same fashion.  Where I currently work we have folders in the HOME directory for different products.  Within that folder, there are revision folders.  I, and the operators know to load the highest numbered revision.  So, there is my two cents, for what it is worth.
    Lee Justice
  • Thanks Lee, I should have offered an alternative to program saving...
    I also only only save and load modules as most of the program never gets changed.

  • Thanks again Graemepaulin and Lemster68, if there are no changes on the program we ran, I don't hit save nor overwrite the file. I kept track of the revision though when I checked it on the file explorer option and view properties. if a sub folder gets populated I either delete or move the folder out to avoid confusion. 
  • Graeme and Engr535, you are both quite welcome. 😁
    Lee Justice