Mechanical Unit Conflict in the simulation

Hi All,

I created a robot setup with the following mechanical units.
IRB1520ID_4_150__02 robot
IRBP_A750_D1450-H900_M2009_REV1_01 Positioner
And a custom made linear rail powered by ABB Motor MU100 with gearbox.

I think I had everything setup properly but when I try to move the robot along the points that I created it throw the "Mechanical Unit Conflict" error. Plesae find attached photo and robot pack an go below.

One thing I notice I might be doing it wrong is the work object as it move along with the linear rail. It should only move along with the positioner and I couldn't find a way to correct this as well. (when I move linear rail all the robot target move along with the linear rail)

Thanks in advances for someone who can help.


  • did you ever find what exactly needs doing?  have the same issue and appears the wizard does not correctly set multiple additional drives; i.e puts the track and postioner on the same drive?
  • Hi Mike, I got it working at the end. I got all mechanical units setup properly on external axis wizards. And got all the base frame setup. Thanks for folowing up. 
  • I AM facing the same issue with 2 robots 2 linear trackes and 3 external axis i tried to solve this issue using differnt drives and logical axis but i used the same motor for all of the mU200 i am getting this error again and again when i tri to run the both robots