RobotStudio event

VB6 Samples [WebWare SDK]


Attached is a collection of four more VB6 samples demonstrating common WebWare SDK programming questions. It includes:

1. alias generator-a simple application that creates robot aliases based upon a "seed name" and the number of aliases desired.

2. log sample-a simple application that demonstrates how to write robot logs then read them on the PC.

3. robot-data connection-an intermediate application that writes values to the controller from an Access database. Includes a UI that allows the user to edit the values in real time.

4. vb6vartest-a simple application that demonstrates subscribing to a variable and responding to a "variablechanged" event.

Russell Drown


  • Hi there,

    here is a program called S4Remote, that uses all these functions and more to work with robots.

    It supports saving and logging of errors, setting and logging of variables, backup and restore inclusive automatic backup, a file manager, a module/program save/load/edit feature, save/load syspar, start, pstart cstart a robot, compare backups, control the robot and so on...

    Sample use is for free, test program and licence can be got under


    Thomas Schweren