MultiMove Coordinate Problems


I'm devoloping a system with 3 robot IRB140 IRC5 MultiMove Coordinate. The idea is the robot3 folow the robot2 at the same time.

If i make this with rob1 and rob2 i don't have any problems but when I make with rob2 and rob3, the rob3 folow the rob2 but not at the same distance it makes a litle arc in linear movements and i don't know why!

I try SingArea Off etc...... but with no sucess!

It can be the simulation of RS?

Anyone knows why this happen?

Below its my code to coordinate task2 and task3



Joao Fidalgo

####################task 2

PROC EntregaRob3()

MoveJ Entrega1Rob3,velo_rapida,z50,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega2Rob3,velo_rapida,fine,ventosa;
WaitSyncTask sync23Robos,task23;

SyncMoveOn sync23,task23;

MoveL Entrega21Rob3ID:=10,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega22Rob3ID:=20,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega23Rob3ID:=30,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega24Rob3ID:=40,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega25Rob3ID:=50,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega26Rob3ID:=60,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega27Rob3ID:=70,v500,fine,ventosa;
MoveL Entrega28Rob3ID:=80,v500,fine,ventosa;

SyncMoveOff sync32;



####################task 3

PROC PegaRob2()
!ConfJ on;!Configura?ao das juntas  activada
!ConfL on;!Configura?ao dos movimentos lineares
SingArea off;! Pontos de singularidades

MoveJ Pega1Rob2,velo_rapida,fine,ventosa3;
WaitSyncTask sync23Robos,task23;
!MoveL Pega21Rob1,velo_rapida,fine,ventosa;
SyncMoveOn sync23,task23;

MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=10,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=20,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=30,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=40,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=50,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=60,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=70,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;
MoveL Point1Rob2ID:=80,v500,fine,ventosa3WObj:=WobjSyncRob2;

SyncMoveOff sync32;


  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭
    Kind of hard to tell without the complete setup(station) baseframes,workobjects....
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi,

    The problem is solved. I make the calibration of the base frame and now it works fine!

    Thank's  for the help!

    Joao Fidalgo