FlexArc opening problem

Hello, I have been having a problem opening FlexArc stations which i have downloaded from ABB inside, I hope someone could help me..

When I try to open "250R Single_rev0.rsstn" file, RS crashes. I locate the system directory "FlexArc250R_S" manually, I am being asked whether I want to update baseframes or not, and than everything stops. Any ideas where's the problem?

Thanks a lot,



  • Hi,

    I think something is wrong with the system. The best is to create a new system with system builder (see helpfile in RS Creating a system with support for one robot and one positioner external axis) or use Create system from layout. The next release of FlexArcs will be without system connection and the user will use create system from layout.

    BR / Henrik

  • ziga
    ziga ✭✭

    Thank you for your answer. I did as you said, when I open a virtual FlexPendant I receive a couple of I/O signal errors, but otherwise it seems to work fine.

    Regards, Ziga