Socket Messaging


Has anyone noted errors using socket messaging in RS5.09

The same VC works fine in Virtual IRC5 but reference error 161 "Option is missing" is reported when executing a program in RS5.09

the Virtual Flexpendant shows this option 672-1 and 616-1 to be present in the system properties


  • SocketConnect Instruction works fine in VC. when using Virtual IRC5, but errors noted when using same controller and code in RobotStudio 5.09.

    The error reported suggests to many arguments?

  • Hi

    I have resolved the error by installing the latest version of robotware.5.09.01

    It does appear that programming the 'SocketCreate' Instruction from RobotWare which was installed with RobotStudio5.09 caused the problem.

    The instruction name appears but no arguments or optional arguments are available. this is noted when using VFP and program editor in RS.