Objects on conveyors, RS5.09

I've looked at some previous posts on attaching objects to conveyors, and set up a mechanism with a single prismatic joint to act as the conveyor.

I can jog this fine manually, but can't see how to add a controller to give it continuous motion.

Is it better to simulate it using VSTA? I used the scripting functions in RS4, but it ended up quite jerky. Is the processing quicker in VSTA than the older scripting functions?



  • Hi,

    The easiest way to move a conveyor is to use "Move Mechanism To Pose". You define the poses when you set up the mechanism, and then you add an event in the "Event Manager" that start the motion of the conveyor.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi,

    Thanks for that, I've got it working, mostly.

    I set an output on the robot which triggers an event to slide the mechinsm quickly to a start position. When I reset it (after a second or so) en event is triggered to start sending it relatively slowly to its end position.

    However, this only works intermittently, and there appears some code in there to debug an overflow error as the following dialog box appears:


    Perhaps someone from the RS development team would like to have a look - I can send you the complete station if it would be useful.



  • Hi,

    Yes that would be useful. Please mail a "Pack & Go" zip file of the station to me so will we look at it.


    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics