DUAL CORE computers

Has anyone confirmed if there are any conflicts with RS 5.08 and dual core computers?


  • Hello,
    We still have problems with the VC performance on PCs with DualCore. If you have DualCore activated on your PC, the VC response times will be longer.
    For example will the time to start up a system (the VC) be longer, and if you have a real complex system (a system with many external axes for example) you can get "time out error" at the start up.
    We are working on a solution for this problem, but in RS 5.08 I recommend that you disable Dual Core on your PC (if it's possible).
    Systems made with RobotWare 5.07.02 or older are not possible to run on DualCore at all.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • ..Your mileage may vary though. I have a Pentium D and it works fine 99% of the time, even with older RobotWare versions.

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • I have tried a new laptop with dual core processor and it works fine on RS 5.08.  I tried to disable one processor as you mentioned and it seemed to actually improve the use of RS especially when trying to calculate solutions to arm configurations.
  • RS 5.10: Putting RobotStudio-Process on CPU1 and the RobVC-Processes on CPU0 (or the other way around) increases performance drastically.

    Thank you for the hint. :-)

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the tip!

    For your information I can tell you that the Dual Core problem that RobotWare 5.09 and earlier suffered from has been solved in RobotWare 5.10. The VC is set now to run on one core only. (The IRC5 hardware has only a single core CPU so anything else would make the behaviour change from the RC).

    Kind regards,

    Henrik Berlin
  • How do you proceed to put the process on CPU0 and the VC on CPU1 (or vise-versa)?

  • @abenaki:
    Windows XP:
    Open Task-Manager => Process-View => Right-Click on corresponding Process ("RobVC.exe" and "RobotStudio.exe") => last item in content-menu (don't know how it's called in English).

    Has to be repeated for every process separately.

    MaWi812008-4-17 16:25:37
  • MaWi81,

    I thought my laptop computer had a dual core, it does not seem to have dual core since the only option if I right click the processes is just to set the priority.

    I will try on a desktop instead.

    Thank you, appreciate the help

  • It is possible to set the affinity programmatically via the add-in mechanism. For example:

    Sub AddInStartup()
      Dim procArr() As Process
      Dim proc As Process
      Dim iPtr As IntPtr = 1
        procArr = Process.GetProcessesByName(
        For Each proc In procArr
          proc.ProcessorAffinity = iPtr
    New LogMessage("Set affinity on " &   proc.ProcessName))
    New LogMessage("Finished setting affinity."))
      Catch ex As Exception
    New LogMessage("Exception setting affinity: " & ex.ToString))
      End Try
    End Sub
    Russell Drown

  • Thank you. Did not even think about this possibility.image

    MaWi812008-4-21 10:8:11