machine tending tutorial fault [MachineTending PowerPac]

Hi I'm john (newbie), I try to follow the e-learning that abb gives for machine tending power pack .. i have several things that really give me nerves. . here is my situation i use robot 6650 200kg 2.75m, engel 800, air suction gripper, parapart . .

the minute i finished the wizard .. it work .. but the robot keeps on colliding the engel 800 . . i tried to tune the script but yet it gets worst .. lots of error it said something about corner .. error .. to fast interval between each movement .. and so on .. can you guys help me ? i did just the way the tutorial did .. with no difference . .

sorry for asking this newbie type of question .. but i guess it could help others who have simillar problems ..

best Regards



  • Hi,

    Machine Tending Power Pac is a software for easy simulation of inject machine. But it not means the cell you setting up using MTPP can run successfully, it is based on several conditions, such as the placement of the robot and IMM, The robot type and IMM type etc.

    In your situation, you can teach several targets in your cell paths using RS base function to avoid collision

  • Hi,

    thanks xiaoye li, I did tune the target .. but apparently the target and whatsoever that you've mention is not the problem, it's the timing .. my robot didn't wait for the engel800 .. eventhough it wait, it move at wrong timings .. to get things clear: every time the engel  800 open, the robot doesn't wait the engel 800 to open fully. . do you have some materials that i can catch on? seems hard to find such tutorials .. sorry for asking to much .. I'm just trying to figure things out ..

    best regards,


  • Hi all,

    after reading the rapid manual .. and tune the script it finally works .. I know this is a little bit stupid problem .. but at least .. if you have simillar problem you'll know the problem is not you .. but the script ..   i change the following script

    CellPath_1; !WaitInput "diMouldOpenPos","1";                             WaitTime 10;                                                                    SetOutput "doMouldClose","0";                                            WaitTime 10; ExecutePath "InPickS_1";                                PickPart "ParaPart_1","doToolClosed","1",0.5,"VacuTool_1"; ExecutePath "OutPickS_1"; SetOutput "doMouldClose","1";

    note that the script will make the statistic stops ..

    ok then hope this helps .. .

    Proud to be a newbie,


  • In your situation, you can teach several targets in your cell paths using RS base function to avoid collision

    windows tablet pc

  • thanks xiaoye li, I did tune the target ..



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