using the RS 5.10

hi, i am a new comer in roboticstudio. i have some problem with this rs5.10. today i learn to make path from curve. in the first time, i success to make the robot simulate the track from the curve, but next time(until now) there are some error that make the simulation not work:

IRB140_5kg_0: The specified entry point for task T_ROB1 is not valid. 26/05/2008 16:22:56 
IRB140_5kg_0: The program could not be started 26/05/2008 16:22:56 
IRB140_5kg_0: Start Program 26/05/2008 16:22:59 

i don't know these error means. can somebody help me? and what the step that i must do to correct these problem?

thank a lot

indah carmila


  • Hi Carmila,

    Please check these points:

    * Did you Sync to VC?
    * Have you executed the Setup Simulation command and created a main procedure with a call to you path?

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin2008-5-26 13:41:41
    Henrik Berlin
  • thanks for your replies. i have already try your solutions, but there an error again image

    IRB140_5kg_0: Robot axes configuration 27/05/2008 8:01:43 

    Where i can read all of the error signs and the solutions for this RS 5.10?

    thanks a lot


    indah carmila
  • Hi,

    The error message comes from the VC and says that one of the targets in your program is not reachable with the given robot configuration. The exact same error message will appear if you run your program on a real robot. If you double-click the message in the RobotStudio output window you will get some more information, the same information can be read from the FlexPendant. Please read more about the datatype confdata in the RAPID manual installed with RobotStudio.

    Creating a robot program that is actually possible to execute may be challenging. You must ensure to stay out of singularities, ensure that targets are within robot reach and have the correct configuration. The motion type also makes a difference. It is much harder to create a working program with MoveL than MoveJ. A MoveL instruction restricts the whole movement from the starting point to the target, whereas a MoveJ allows the robot to move in the easiest way to reach the target.


    1. Start by using MoveJ instructions only and convert to MoveL as desired when the program works for MoveJ
    2. The first instruction of a path should always be MoveJ (my opinion).
    3. Use the Reachability function to check whether targets are within reach
    4. Use the "Configurations" function on the targets for which the configuration fails.
    5. ... or, use the AutoConfiguration method to automatically set working configurations for a path, given a start configuration.

    Good luck!

    Henrik Berlin2008-5-27 7:31:44
    Henrik Berlin
  • thanks for your tips

    i will try it image

    indah carmila
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