RobotStudio event

Robotstudio vs Robot Builder

Hi, i want to know, what is the differences between Robot Studio and the Robot application builder.

if it different because the Robotstudio have the simulation program and the robot builder doesn't? or there is other differences?

thanks a lot


indah carmila


  • Hi Indah Carmila,

    Ouch, image, this is one of those questions that has a simple answer but is really difficult to explain in writing.

    Simple answer:
    The two products are completely different and have nothing in common except ABB Robotics.

    Difficult explanation:
    image RobotStudio is a simulation tool for making RAPID programs. Almost anyone who wants to program ABB robots and are good with computers can use it and be productive.
    The end result is a RAPID program that you use to run your robot.

    image Robot Application Builder is a tool for a software developer (C# or VB.NET) to create applications that communicate with a robot. These applications are either designed for use on the FlexPendant or a connected PC. To use it you have to have Microsoft Visual Studio and know how to use it. So this product will only be of use for skilled application developers.
    The end result is a software application that communicates with the robot but does not necessarily control it.


    So they should not really be compared.image

    Please if anyone has a better explanation, help me out here.

  • thanks for your reply

    but i still have a question image. i want to combine the ABB robot and my machine that contain a screw. the rotation of screw must be synchronize to the robot's motion. (faster screw rotate, faster robot move). if i have this case, what should i do?

    • use robot studio only
    • use the application builder only
    • or combine between two of them

    thanks a lot

    indah carmila
  • image Robot Application Builder is not the tool for this. There is no need for an extra software application in that scenario.

    You want to set up a "coordinated external axis" this is something that RobotStudio can help you program/simulate but not configure/create. To simulate it in RobotStudio you would need:

    • Imported CAD models of all important objects. (Workpiece, tool, machine, etc)
    • A RobotWare system created with a mediapool with the machine's (external axis) parameters.

    But since this turned out to be more of a RobotStudio question than a Robot Application Builder question I will move this topic to the RobotStudio forum.

  • thanks a lot image
    indah carmila
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