RobotStudio event

5.11 FlexPendant fails to re-open

Problems of this sort have happened several times:

I was testing my program from the FlexPendant in manual mode. I selected Auto mode and Motors On then closed the FlexPendant. I then spent some time editing my program in the Offline tab and applied the changes with no errors.

On clicking the button to start the FlexPendant again, nothing happened. At this point I usually just restart the VC and everything then works normally.

Today, instead of restarting the VC I tried to run a procedure from the Simulation tab, which resulted in the following error message:


I then clicked the button to start the Flexpendant and it started OK.

No logfile has been generated.

This is not a major problem as there are workarounds.




  • Hi Kevin,
    Thank you for your report. I donA't have any good explanation why you got this error message, but I will report it to our development department so they can look at it.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics