Robot system cannot boot after installing a product

Dear all, 
I tried to update the Smart Gripper(SG) of YuMi with Installation Manager in RobotStudio. I added the SG V3.4 but I forget to remove the original version V3.3. Then I cannot start the robot anymore... The robot gives an error on the FlexPendant and then reboot again and again. I attached the error message and the configuration in the Installation Manager. 
I would greatly appreciate any help! 

Best regards, 


  • I guess there is a conflict between the two versions of Smart rGipper. The problem is that I don't have access to the controller now so I can't do any change... 
  • Hello
    Unable to see your error. 
    You can uninstall RW add-in from the Add-ins tab, in RobotStudio.
  • Hello
    Unable to see your error. 
    You can uninstall RW add-in from the Add-ins tab, in RobotStudio.
    Thank you, Pavel. We have solved the problem using the boot application.
  • Hi,

    I have gotten the same problem as rzhao. I installed two versions of the smartgripper software side-by-side and now the controller is stuck in an endless reboot loop, i.e. I am unable to contact the controller and correct the error. Rzhao mentioned he managed get into the boot application. Is there a way to force boot application start in this situation? I would like to avoid removing the controller hdd if possible.

  • It seems to be possible to change active system for a multi-system controller. We managed to change using RobotStudio. It would be nice to know the proper procedure though...
  • Hi, I have the exact problem as you.
    Would you be able to tell me how you used boot application exactly? I tried to use it in RS, but the message shows that this operation is not allowed in the current operation mode.
    Many thanks!
  • Hello all. I have the same issue. Could somebody list the steps to resolve it? Thanks a lot.