Advices for easy and simple simulation

Hello guys,

My name is Sebastian and I am studying robotics engineering. I need to create a simulation for a simple palletizing app. For now I am trying to get used with Palletizing PowerPac. I do not need the simulation to be guided by signals and lots of smartcomponents. Can you give me some advices of how I can create a simple simulation? By simple I mean using Hide/Show features, Attach/Detach. I don't know how I can create an order for things to happen like first is palletizing then the stack is going to a wrap machine then it is going out of the cell by a conveyor. How can I coordinate these moves ?

Thank you for your time.


  • Hi Sebastian,

    Theres an RS add-in that you may find useful called "PickandPlace_v4". Here is the accompanying forum

    Although it might be simpler to setup sensors to work with and trigger the attach/detatch and hide/show features if you are picking from one location and dropping to an another.

  • Thanks for your reply!
    I see the pick and place smart component and it seems to be really easy to use. I will start trying some things. 
    In my simulation I have other movements like a machine wrapping and some AGVs moving. Should it be easier to export a Collada file of the robot simulation then continue the simulation in another software? Can it be done this way?