Group various Digital signals into bytes

Hello there!

I am simulating communication with PlcSim, but I need to send this information in bytes. For example let's say I have these digital output signals:


How can I group these into a byte?

And later on, connect that resulting byte within the Design of the Station Logic? As shown (incorrectly for now) in the following picture.

I would appreciate any help, thank you guys!

P.S. I am using RSConnectGIOToSnap7 Add-In.


  • Hello,
    You can make group in your controller, or you can use RSConnectDIOToSnap7.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • DenisFR said:
    You can make group in your controller, or you can use RSConnectDIOToSnap7.
    The DIO block has a limitation to 20 signals and also, I need to connect 1024 signals, thats why I am not going to use it.

    But how to make group in my controller? I am clueless to be honest.
  • For a virtual signal, click on I/O system, right click on signal and select "add".

    For a real signal,  the only difference is the mapping:

  • nomad5t5 said:
    For a virtual signal, click on I/O system, right click on signal and select "add".

    For a real signal,  the only difference is the mapping:

    Thank you for your response!

    I misexplained my issue. Let me expose the problem:

    I have these 32 Digital Inputs that I want to group into 4 Groupal Inputs (let's say virtual signals).

    The question is: How can I connect 8 signals into 1 Groupal signal?

    My dummy solution was to write that code in RAPID in the background task I have on my controller, but that would be a really messy code. I am looking for a more elegant solution if possible.

    Thank you guys for the response!
  • Your snip is of real signals so in the device mapping (shown in Nomad's snip) you put in the start bit and the end bit of each group --> GI1  = 0-7, GI2  = 8-15, GI3 = 16-23, GI4 = 24-31.

    The bit mapping on I/O devices normal start at 0, so your 32 bit would go from 0 to 31.

  • Your snip is of real signals so in the device mapping (shown in Nomad's snip) you put in the start bit and the end bit of each group --> GI1  = 0-7, GI2  = 8-15, GI3 = 16-23, GI4 = 24-31.

    The bit mapping on I/O devices normal start at 0, so your 32 bit would go from 0 to 31.

    Man, thank you a lot! It did work!!!