Is it possible to iterate through all tasks without any information of the tasks?

I am trying to create a function where I check if all tasks are running or not, but I cant find a way to iterate through all tasks.

I am thinking something like this
<div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; FOR taskNo FROM 1 TO 20 DO</div><div>            IF NOT TaskIsExecuting(taskNo) RETURN FALSE;<br></div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ENDFOR</div>
but the TaskIsExecuting-function does not take a number as input.

I'd rather not use the ReadCfgData to analyze the systemparameters if not absolutely neccecary.
//Markus Näslund


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    TaskIsExecuting("T_Rob" + NumToStr(TaskNo,0))
    Lee Justice
  • SomeTekk
    edited March 2020
    It is suggested to try an array with the task names.

    CONST string stTaskNames {5}:= ["T_ROB1", ... T_TaskX"];

    FOR index FROM 1 to dim(stTaskNames,1) DO

    IF NOT TaskIsExecuting(stTaskNames {index}) RETURN FALSE

  • Thank for your suggestions, but unfortunately I don't know anything about the present tasks at "compile-time" so I cannot use the array-solution.
    Also, I cannot take for granted that the tasks are named in a certain way so to build the tasknames is not an option.

    //Markus Näslund
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    It sounds then like you are going to have to go with ReadCfgData.
    Lee Justice
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭

    I agree with lemester68 to use the ReaedCfgData, but it is not possible to search directly for the names of the tasks, because you could only search for the value of a string parameter in the configuration data.

    The following code searches only for all normal tasks in the system:
    LOCAL PROC GetTaskName()
        VAR num nListIndex;
        VAR string stTaskName;
        !read all normal task names from sys.cfg
        WHILE nListIndex<>END_OF_LIST DO
          ReadCfgData "/SYS/CAB_TASKS/Type/NORMAL","Name",stTaskName\ListNo:=nListIndex;
          TPWrite "Task name: "+stTaskName;
    If you want to search for all task types you have to add a search for the static and semi-static tasks.

  • Thanks for your suggestion. I have already considered this but I was looking for an "easier" way. Something like GetTaskName 1; would give me the name of task 1. 
    //Markus Näslund
  • Hi Markus,

    Did you ever happen across a convenient way of doing this?
    I ended up writing a module (below) to discover the tasks and store some info about them, 
    but was also looking for a more simple way to get the data

    !	Description:	Example Description															   !
    !																								   !
    !	| Revision | Date 		| Author | Description												   !
    !	|----------|------------|--------|-------------------------------------------------------------!
    !	| 1.0	   | 2022/03/07 | H.P.   | Document Creation										   !
    	! Create an alias for the string datatype for task types, Normal, Static, SemiStatic
    	ALIAS string tasktype;
    	! Create a record for storing data about all tasks in the system
        RECORD fe_taskdata
    		string Name; 		! Task name from the Controller System Config
    		tasktype Type;		! The type of task in case this is relevant for certain operations
    		tsp_status Status;	! Task active in controller status
    		bool Executing;		! Task executing in controller status
    	! Constants representing each type of task
    	CONST tasktype TKT_Normal 		:= "NORMAL";
    	CONST tasktype TKT_Static 		:= "STATIC";
    	CONST tasktype TKT_SemiStatic 	:= "SEMISTATIC";
    	CONST tasktype TKT_None 		:= "";
    	! Store an array of the task types for easy searching
    	VAR tasktype tkt_Types{4} := [TKT_Normal, TKT_SemiStatic, TKT_Static, TKT_None]; 
    	CONST num N_NumTaskTypes := 4; ! Number of different task types
    	! An array storing all task data
    	PERS fe_taskdata tsd_Tasks{20} := [["T_ROB1","NORMAL",14,TRUE],["T_ROB1_GUI","NORMAL",14,TRUE],["T_ROB1_Maintenance","NORMAL",14,FALSE],["T_ROB1_Background","SEMISTATIC",14,TRUE],["tAwSys_1","STATIC",13,TRUE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE],["","",-1,FALSE]];
    	CONST num N_MaxTasks := 20; ! The maximum number of concurrent tasks
        PROC LoadTasksFromConfig(INOUT fe_TaskData Tasks{*})										   !
        ! Description:																				   !
        ! 	Loads all task data into the given array												   !
        !																							   !
        ! Parameters:																				   !
        ! 	INOUT fe_taskData Tasks	-	An array, empty or otherwise of task data to be filled		   !
        !																							   !
        ! Author: Harry Parker		Date: 2022/03/07		Revision: 1.0							   !
            VAR num n_CfgIndex := 0;		! Index of the configuration attribute in the instance list
    		VAR string s_TaskName := ""; 	! Task name of searched task from the config file
    		VAR num n_ListIndex := 1;		! The index of the input array to store the task data in
    		VAR num n_TaskTypeIndex := 1; 	! The index of the current task type to search for
    		! Loop through the array of stored tasks, while searching the config file for tasks
    		WHILE n_ListIndex <= N_MaxTasks DO
    			! If there are still task types to search for
    			IF n_TaskTypeIndex <= N_NumTaskTypes - 1 THEN
    				! Try and read the next name of a normal task from the config data
    				ReadCfgData "/SYS/CAB_TASKS/Type/" + tkt_Types{n_TaskTypeIndex}, "Name", s_TaskName, \ListNo:=n_CfgIndex;
    				! If the end of the list has been reached
    				IF n_CfgIndex = N_EndOfList THEN
    					! Have found all tasks of this type, search for the next type
    					Incr n_TaskTypeIndex;
    					! Reset the search index to search from 0 for the next type
    					n_CfgIndex := 0;
    			! Store the task name in the list
    			Tasks{n_ListIndex}.Name := s_TaskName;
    			! Store the task type in the list
    			Tasks{n_ListIndex}.Type := tkt_Types{n_TaskTypeIndex};
    			! Update the task executing boolean & status for this task
    			UpdateTaskData Tasks{n_ListIndex};
    			! Increment the list index
    			Incr n_ListIndex;
    	ERROR ! Error handler
    		! Check the error number for specific errors
    		CASE ERR_CFG_NOTFND: ! Expected error for not finding configuration
    			! If there is no config data set the index to -1 and the returned string to empty
    			n_CfgIndex := -1;
    			s_TaskName := "";
    			! Move to the next instruction
    		DEFAULT: ! For other unexpected errors
    			RAISE; ! Raise the error to the calling procedure or function
        PROC UpdateTaskData(INOUT fe_TaskData TaskData)												   !
        ! Description:																				   !
        ! 	Updates task data for the specific task													   !
        !																							   !
        ! Parameters:																				   !
        ! 	INOUT fe_taskData TaskData	-	Task data to have the status updated					   !
        !																							   !
        ! Author: Harry Parker		Date: 2022/03/07		Revision: 1.0							   !
    		! Update the execution status of the task
    		TaskData.Executing := TaskIsExecuting(TaskData.Name);
    		! Update the active status of the task
    		TaskData.Status := GetTSPStatus(TaskData.Name);
    	ERROR ! Error handler
    		! Check the error number for specific errors
    		CASE ERR_TASKNAME: ! Expected error for not finding the given task
    			! Return empty data for the executing and status parameters if no task is found
    			TaskData.Executing := FALSE;
    			TaskData.Status := -1;
    		DEFAULT: ! For other unexpected errors
    			RAISE; ! Raise the error to the calling procedure or function
  • Hi,

    I did unfortunately not find a simpler way than reading the system parameters, and in the end I didn't need the functionality. But I can see you created a really elegant solution.

    //Markus Näslund