Door Function and adjacent sensor

Hello Forums

I am making a door function on a "CNC" that turns a Shaft/Aksel, then a robot picks it up and places it on a pallet.

I have made the door/CNC as a Mechanism so it can slide open or shut.
I've placed a Plane sensor so I can set boundaries for the robot when its allowed or not, to pick up the Shaft inside the CNC.

I have tried setting it up as I believe it should be and working, but offcourse it doesnt :)

I have linked a couple of pictures so you can see what i mean.
I hope that someone can help me or bring me directions :smile: 

Sincerly Mark

Best Answers

  • mark457b
    Answer ✓
    Sturner : 
    I've tested the diCloseDoor and diOpenDoor manually on my SC_CNCv2 while running simulation and they work probably when doing that.
    Im thinking it might be the Output that are causing the problems.


  • I know that Maxim, it was connecting the Door mechanism så when i send the signal high it closes the door and when i send the signal low it opens again.
    But it wont work
  • The mechanism work when i trigger the inputs on the SC_CNCv2 - Smart component but when I use the signals in the programming 
  • You could try using SR-latches for the signals, in case they act as Pulses.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Have you tested with simulation running?
  • I've fixed the problem !
    I had misconfigurated the station logic signals and the door function works perfectly now :smiley:
    So many thanks to you Guys Sturner and Maxim Riabichev for your help.

  • What is customs to do when a discussion is finished?

  • Glad to hear you solved your issue!

    Your final question is a good one. I'll look into it.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Alright I've converted the Discussion into a Question and you can now select an Answer.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer