Robot axes configuration Error

edited June 2020 in RobotStudio
Hello again.

I am finishing a station for my final project and I'm going crazy with RS . I've done some easy works before but this is more complex. when I run the path main I get the error "Robot axes configuration ". I've set the orientation of the first tatget manually and then I pasted for the other targets. After that I've done Auto Configuration and everything works correctly. But when I run the simulation errors appear to me like Robot axes configuration Error, sigularity and joint out of range.

Can someone help me ? This project will define my future  :'(

Thanks !

Post edited by TomásPT on


  • TomásPT
    edited June 2020
    In this link you can see whats appening :(

  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Why do you add ConfL\Off? This disable conf for all position.
    Check each position configuration is better than autoconf.

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