RobotStudio event

Safety Checksum To PLC

Is there a way to send the checksum to the PLC over ProfiNet or ProfiSafe?


  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    It's possible that a direct way exists now, but:
    1.   in a background task, at a reasonable time interval, trigger a local back up to the HOME folder
    2.   read the top line of /BACKINFO/psc_user.sxml and parse line to just get the CheckSum value
    3.   send all (or just the last few number sets) to the PLC as the checksum
    Not saying it's pretty, but it works.
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭
    in RobotWare 6.x there are the following functions for SafeMove:
    • SafetyControllerGetUserChecksum
    • SafetyControllerGetChecksum
    • SafetyControllerGetOpModePinCode
    • SafetyControllerGetSWVersion

    With the first two functions, you can read both checksums from SafeMove and send them to the PLC with the instruction "SocketSendTo" (UDP/IP) or with "SocketSend" (TCP/IP).