Update (2022/04) - Virtual Human 1.4.1 Download

edited April 2022 in RobotStudio

Dear All,

I am proud to release the new Version of the Virtual Human, Version 1.4.1 for RobotStudio. 

You can download this version directly from RobotStudio->AddIns->RobotApps-> Search for 'Human'.

Please have a look at the document '_Virtual Human Quick Start Guide.pdf' & the Release Notes. Both are attached to this Post and are included in the Package.

Tutorial videos are attached to this post additionally (Updated for 1.4.1)

Suggested RW Version is 6.13.01. (No SAC required any more)

Short Overview:

What is the Virtual Human?

The Virtual Human consists of:
  1. A Smart Component
  2. A Robot Controller (IRC 5 using RW 6.x)
  3. Eleven Mechanisms (including the Controller Mechanism)
  4. Different CAD Versions


What can the Virtual Human do?

  1. Positioning a Human inside of a Station 
  2. Programming a Human with RAPID
  3. Creating Simulations containing a Human

How can it be installed?

  1. Please have a look at the quick start guide.

How to start?

  1. Start by watching the tutorial videos attached to this post. (Tutorials.zip)
  2. Look in the RAPID code of the tutorial to see how you can program it.

Future, next release?

Assumable earliest by end of 2022. Exceptions are done for bugs/ Issues that can be reproduced clearly & are important for common usages. 

Please contact me via email or post in the RobotStudio Forum if you:

  1. run into issues with the Human
  2. found a bug for the Human
  3. created more content for the human (e.g. CAD Versions, Positions, RAPID functionality) – If you want to share it, I can embed it in the next release of the Human.
Email: florian.knecht@de.abb.com

Kind regards,


Post edited by FlorianKnecht on


  • Cool!

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Great Work.
    For saved positions, prefer use ISO format as YYYYMMDD_HHNNSS.
    For your video, this becomes jpFingers_20200731_200902.

    In HM_Functionality_HighLevel.sys:VH_PLAN_ReferenceRotation, you wrote:
            WHILE TargetTransRot_LOCAL.n_RotDegree_Z > 180 DO TargetTransRot_LOCAL.n_RotDegree_Z:= TargetTransRot_LOCAL.n_RotDegree_Z - 360;

    Here a function I've wrote (should be integrated in RAPID  ;) ):
      ! Return modulo in range +-(pnDiv/2)
      LOCAL FUNC num NumMOD(num pnNum, num pnDiv)
        VAR num vnRes;
        VAR num vnRes2;

        vnRes:=((pnNum / pnDiv)-Trunc(pnNum / pnDiv)) * pnDiv;
        IF (vnRes < (0 - (pnDiv / 2))) vnRes2 := vnRes + pnDiv;
        IF (vnRes > (0 + (pnDiv / 2))) vnRes2 := vnRes - pnDiv;
        RETURN vnRes2;
    You then can use it in other place in code.

    In HM_Functionality_HighLevel.sys:VH_Plan_WalkToPosition
            n_WalkDistance_mm := sqrt(Pow(n_Distance_X,2)+Pow(n_Distance_Y,2)+Pow(n_Distance_Z,2));
            n_WalkDistance_mm := Distance(,);

    Did you plan to expose your code in Git repository?
    So many user can contribute in it.

    PS: Can you add in RS devs todo list this request?

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • Dear DenisFR,

    Thanks for your constructive & correct suggestions, they will be implemented.

    Saved positions, use ISO format as YYYYMMDD_HHNNSS:
    -> I will use YYYYMMDD_HHNNSS_SSS, (adding ms was already planned before, reason: avoid RAPID errors)
    Reference value inside a specific area:
    -> Thanks for this function, I will use it in my code (I will maybe rename it, & comment that it was written by you ;) ) -> Additional: In some places I will keep my method, as it is faster in most of my use cases.
    Of course, didn't know the name that's why I coded it by myself.

    Did you plan to expose your code in Git repository?
    Yes, for the whole RAPID code, I will inform when it's exposed, hopefully within the next two weeks.

    PS: Can you add in RS devs todo list this request?
    Please make your request more exact, I am pretty sure you will get help or at least an answer afterwards. 
    (How you imagine it should be, along of pictures and detailed descriptions - The dev Team has a lot of work, if the question is not defined exact, nobody will find the time to check what was meant)

    Best regards, Florian

  • In my RobotStudio 2021 I can not load the human at all - not in an empty station and also not in a station with an existing controller.
    I installed the stand alone controller before.
  • FlorianKnecht
    edited January 2022
    Dear CobotGirl,

    please make sure to follow the installation guide more exact. For using an ABB robot controller, you also need to install the required robot ware (RW) (in actual upload it is 6.11.03) - I tested the behavior you met & it doesn't happen on any tested system/ after a fresh installation.

    If I can focus on this project once again, I try to include an automatic installation of the required RW & SAC.

    If you still meet this exception, please let me know/ contact me via teams.

    Post edited by FlorianKnecht on
  • I want to try out the virtual human addin, but I got an error when loading.
    Base exception: MissingMethodException
    I can see that a smartcomponent is created inside the station logic screen, but I cannot see anyting in the layout list.
    When I press reInitialize_Human another error code is showing.

    RobotStudio .NET exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Base exception: NullReferenceException
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.SC_AttachmentRefParts_OnCadRemove_StoreUnder_scParent(SmartComponent scParent)
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.ReInitialze_SC(SmartComponent component, Boolean b_removeBevore)
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.OnIOSignalValueChanged(SmartComponent component, IOSignal signal)
       at RobotStudio.Services.Modeling.SmartComponentManager.IOSignalValueChanged(IOSignal signal)

    I have followed the start guide. Robotware 6.13.01 is installed.
  • wibban said:
    I want to try out the virtual human addin, but I got an error when loading.
    Base exception: MissingMethodException
    I can see that a smartcomponent is created inside the station logic screen, but I cannot see anyting in the layout list.
    When I press reInitialize_Human another error code is showing.

    RobotStudio .NET exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Base exception: NullReferenceException
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.SC_AttachmentRefParts_OnCadRemove_StoreUnder_scParent(SmartComponent scParent)
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.ReInitialze_SC(SmartComponent component, Boolean b_removeBevore)
       at Virtual_Human.CodeBehind.OnIOSignalValueChanged(SmartComponent component, IOSignal signal)
       at RobotStudio.Services.Modeling.SmartComponentManager.IOSignalValueChanged(IOSignal signal)

    I have followed the start guide. Robotware 6.13.01 is installed.
    I met the same issue and I solved it by regress my RobotStudio version back to 2022.2.1
    I guess this is a incompatible problem with the latest RS.
    However, I cannot create a VM again after playing for a while. Reinstall RS, same issue still exists.

    This is a very cool add-in. Hopefully, this project can continue.