predicted collision

We have a Multimove system with 3 IRB1200 robots.
There are multiple defined zones inside the robotcel to predict collision.
Now we want for a new product that one robot pick a product from another robot.
Because the grippers are also defined as a zone, we get an predicted collision error.
It is possible to switch off the predicted collision detection with a Rapid command?
Or is there a better solution?


  • Maxim Riabichev
    edited September 2020
    Hello there,

    A couple of points:

    1) There is a system input signal "Collision avoidance" which can be manipulated via Rapid to disable/enable CA.

    2) In RW6.11 there's a Rapid instruction "IsCollFree" which might be of use to you if you use RW6.11.

    3) R&D has received multiple requests recently for dynamically removing parts of the station from Collision Avoidance and ways to handle predicted collisions without a system halt.

    4) You could contact your local ABB contact and ask them to add you as a supporter of these feature implementations. The case is called "PDD11239 - Collision Avoidance improvements" in our systems (they will know what to do with this information).

    Hope this information is helpful.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • thanks, that is very helpful information. I'll try to implement it.

  • Maxim Riabichev
    Hi Maxim, I have a YUMI robot which also have collision detection. I removed its original smart gripper and installed my own designed gripper. However, when moving on a given trajectory, it still predicted the collision according to the appearance of the old smart gripper. Is there a way to just disarm the gripper's collision prediction before the robot starts working?
    Instead of having to switch the entire collision detection on and off dynamically at work, I wanted to be able to turn off the prediction for the gripper part at the outset.
    However, If the collision detection system is turned off, does it mean that the robot will not stop when its joints collide, thus causing damage to the robot? 
    Hope to get your help, thank you!
  • Hi,
    Is there a way to have the Predicted Collision trigger an ERROR handler? I see we can do it with ERR_COLL_STOP but not with avoidance which would be handy especially where robtargets are computed dynamically instead of having the whole task...

    This is very annoying in production where you basically need to initialise the robot... Or am I missing something?
  • @houlam

    To achieve what you're asking you'll have to modify the XML-files for Collision Avoidance. For RW6.x you can find these files under path:


    Edit the file IRB14000.xml and comment out all mentions of GripperBase:

    <!-- Comment the following element to remove collision checks for the gripper -->
    <Object name="GripperBase">
    <Geometry file="IRB14000_gripper_base.xml"/>
    <Attachment frameNumber="7">
    <Offset quat="0.707107 0 0.707107 0"/>

    <Pair object1="Link1" object2="GripperBase"/>
    <Pair object1="Link2" object2="GripperBase"/>


    At this time CA does not support triggering of an ERROR handler. Please contact your local ABB and ask them to create a feature request PDD for this to be implemented in the future.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • @Maxim Riabichev

    Hi Maxim

    Do you know if there are any updates on "PDD11239 - Collision Avoidance improvements"? 

    It would be nice to have the feature in point 3 above.

    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • Hej David,

    I can see that there's an active work item in the backlog but there's no target release as of yet, unfortunately.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hello everyone,

    Spoiler alert: Huge improvements (in my opinion) are coming to CA in RW6.15 and 7.9, due before the end of the year.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • @Maxim Riabichev
    Great news. It’s already a very nice feature!
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • Any update on when we might see 6.15? I seem to only be able to download 6.14.01. The selectable collision avoidance will be perfect for a project I'm currently working on
  • It should be available this month.
    With RS 2022.3.2

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • In latest RS release notes there was a lot of news about new collision avoidance features. If I understand correctly those functions won’t work until RW 6.15 is released? 
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • Based on the release notes, that is correct. RW6.15 is needed for the new features in CA.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer