Robot Web Services

Hi everyone,
I'm working with integrator at this moment. They setting up used IRC5 system for us. That system runs with RobotWare 5.15.9109.11. In the future I would like to start developing web service for it. My question is do I have to update to a RW 6 or I will be able to develop web services with existing RW?



  • Do not know about the web services but you can only run RW6.xx on the current DSQC1000 series main computers.
    Depending on the drive system in your controller you may be able to upgrade the main computer.

  • robot web services were created for RW6 and newer.
    If you just want to learn how to develop web applications you can do it with virtual controllers as well.

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer