IRC5C with Keyence GC-1000 CIP Safety Setup

We just purchased our first robot and we're trying to setup the safety circuit.  We haven't done this before and have very limited knowledge of ethernet/IP so I realize we might need to contract with an integrator but would like to start on our own.  Reading through the manuals, I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to configure the IRC5C to communicate with our Keyence GC-1000 safety controller.  Does anyone know of a document that might help a novice walk through this process?  Thanks!


  • I think the Application manual - EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter would be useful to you
  • Thanks!  We had been reviewing that manual but couldn't ever make sense of it.  We ended up hard wiring through AS1 and AS2.  We're very new at this, I expect for most, this would be easy.  The next thing we're trying to figure out is if we can use one of the pendant programmable keys to turn the motors on, more reading to do!  I appreciate your reply!
  • As far as I know, with the exception of the hold-to-run button on the controller, the motors cannot be turned on unless the key is switched to automatic mode 
  • The controller is not accessible without tripping the safety scanner.  Once we clear the area, we have to use a long pole to press the "motors on" button on the controller.  It's in a lab and not an ideal setup but if we could use a programmable key when in auto mode to start the motors, all would be well...
  • Check out this thread
  • Thanks, had not seen this one.  I wonder if I can setup the action as an input and have one of the programmable keys call it?