ArcC not staying on path

I am welding 2 pipes which are coming using ArcC,s and it’s not staying on path is this a common problem with a lot of ArcL,s do the same thing?


  • How far is it drifting off the path? Have you checked that your TCP is well defined? Post your code in here for us to see
  • Thanks for you Reply. 
    I am relatively new to these robots.
    Its drifting mabye 2-3mm.
    It’s just where to weld it’s hard to get in with welding torch with different plates and jig i have to reorientate during circle. 

    When you say well defined you mean well calabriated?? 
    How do i recalabrite a tool?? Where?
    How close to 0 is good calibration on xyz? 
    I will post my code Monday evening when i’m back to Robot 

  • You can perform a simple test of the accuracy of your TCP by reorienting the tool around a fixed point in space. If the tip of the tool you are reorienting drifts away from the fixed point in space, then your TCP poorly defined/calibrated. You can fix this by creating a new TCP using the 4 point method on the Flex Pendant. For more information on how to do this, see the Operating Manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant
  • The orientation of stored in the mid point (first point stored in the ArcC command) is not used during motion.
    The robot makes a smooth transition from the start point orientation to the end point orientation (second point stored in the ArcC command). So this may exaggerate any TCP error.
  • The orientation of stored in the mid point (first point stored in the ArcC command) is not used during motion.
    The robot makes a smooth transition from the start point orientation to the end point orientation (second point stored in the ArcC command). So this may exaggerate any TCP error.
    That is true for the default behavior.  However, it is possible to force the middle point orientation, if necessary, by using the instruction CirPathMode \CirPointOri;
    Lee Justice
  • I defined my TCP and it has really helped the problem as it was out a bit from day 1 calibration.
    Thanks for the Help.