Not able to add independent axis movement

I am using IRB2600 with external axis, MU200, am not able to add independent movement for any axis. The instruction INDAMove or IndCmove etc, is not even listed. can anyone help me pls


  • Do you have that option installed?
    Lee Justice
  • What if you created custom jointtargets instead and used MoveAbsJ? 
  • Which option should i check for, Lee?
  • Independent Axes [610-1] is the option needed. Note that Independent Axis is not fully supported by Robot Studio simulation
  • In the newer versions (2020.1 and newer) of RobotStudio is Independent Axis fully supported.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • How can i add the option, [610-1] to the existing controller?
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    You need to contact your local ABB office in order to purchase that option.  They will make a new keystring for your system with that option included.
    Lee Justice