Can LineSensor sensed a tool?

edited April 2022 in RobotStudio
Hi I'm pretty new with Robotstudio.
In my project I want to make a changeable tool for my robot.
What I use right now is a LineSensor that directly attached to the robot to sense the Tool that I want to attach to the robot.
And I just realized that the Sensor don't sense the tool but the geometry of the tool and that make no tool can be attached to the robot
Is it true that the LineSensor cannot sense Tool?
The tool was design in Inventor, converted to .SAT and made using Create Tool on Robotstudio.
Thank you in advance

Best Answers

  • anderer
    edited April 2022 Answer ✓
    You can simply drang and drop your tool to the robot.

    And if the orientation and Distanze is not correct, right click and then under Position you can move the tool to the correct Position. (Set reference to local it's easier because otherwise you move in the world system.)

    If you realy want to do with a sensor and if your tool has only one level. You can try it with GetParent.
    Maybe this video helps also how to change tools:
  • setyowmv
    Answer ✓
    Thanks a lot for the information
    I decided to use ClosestObject as the Sensor like the forum said