RobotStudio event

Rotation around z-axis in rapid

Hello all.

I am having an issue with my project.

I am struggling to find a way to solve the problem i have, and none of the existing forum posts solved my question.


How do i modify a target in the rapid, so that it rotates around the z-axis by an angle objOrient. 

The target that i need to modify is the center of the table, while the tool needs to move along the modified axis of the center of table.  
PERS robtarget center_table:=[[269.543,71.1415,275],[0.109643,0.701175,0.704508,5.51904E-6],[0,-1,1,0],[9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9,9E+9]];

(it was a const before, but i saw on a forum that it needs to e pers to be modified)

I have successfuly done the part where the tool moves with the modified axis using 
        center_table.trans.x := x;
        center_table.trans.y := y;
        WaitTime 0.5;
        MoveL center_table,v100,z0,tool0\WObj:=wobj0;
where x and y are coordinates of the new position the tool needs to be relocated at.

I hope you understand my question and are able to help.

p.s. i tried these options:

first moved the tool around z-axis, and then tried to change the center_table, but it didnt work
 !MoveL RelTool(Sto_sredina_105,0,0,0,\Rz:=objOrient), v100, z0,tool0\WObj:=wobj0;
       ! center_table:= CRobT(\Tool:=tool0 \WObj:=wobj0);

other options i tried, looking at the forum, but they didnt work/didnt do what i expected them to
       ! center_table.rot := OrientZYX(objOrient,0,0);
        !center_table.RX := objOrient;


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Is this table an external axis?
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    Is this table an external axis?
    How can i check this? I am not sure
  • i sent the wrong target information by accident. The right one is this:

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Can you jog it?  Is there a PLC controlling it or some drive controller running it?
    Lee Justice
  • natali00
    edited June 2022
    lemster68 said:
    Can you jog it?  Is there a PLC controlling it or some drive controller running it?
    Nope. When i try to do jogging it sends an error: Functionality diabled as the robot controller is in automatic mode. I am not sure i am able to change that.

    So i would assume it's not an external axis. It's a target i assigned in the wobj0, which i want to modify in rapid
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    You have to put it into manual mode to jog.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    You have to put it into manual mode to jog.
    I am not able to jog the table robotarget axis. Only the tool0.
  • i have added tooldata for the centre of table axis. is there a way to use that? Since i can jog it now.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    An additional axis would not use tooldata, it would be a workobject data.  Workobject frames can be moved by an external axis.  Have you read much of the manuals?
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    An additional axis would not use tooldata, it would be a workobject data.  Workobject frames can be moved by an external axis.  Have you read much of the manuals?
    No I havent. And i didnt figure out how to solve my problem. Do you have any options you would try?
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    This is part of the MOC.cfg file:

          -name "MTT180" -use_activation_relay "" -use_brake_relay "rob1_brake"\
          -use_robot "MTT180" -allow_move_of_user_frame  -activate_at_start_up 

    And this is where the workobject is declared:
    PERS wobjdata wobj_MTT180:=[FALSE,FALSE,"MTT180",[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]];

    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    This is part of the MOC.cfg file:

          -name "MTT180" -use_activation_relay "" -use_brake_relay "rob1_brake"\
          -use_robot "MTT180" -allow_move_of_user_frame  -activate_at_start_up 

    And this is where the workobject is declared:
    PERS wobjdata wobj_MTT180:=[FALSE,FALSE,"MTT180",[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]];

    and then what? I am not sure what this does
  • Trying to understand the problem here.
    You have a table as an external axis to the robot, and you want the robot to be able to follow the rotation of the table?

    You can set up a workobject at the tables home position and modify the objectframe of the wobj according to the position of the table. Then you dont have to modify the position(s?) every cycle.
  • Hello ...
    I don't know if I understand, but a stationary tool created in the center of your object might not solve your problem? So you could, with each movement of the object, rotate the tool and move the robot in relation to the stationary tool.
    Maybe it helps.