Copy entire robot to new robot

Alright so I am a newbie here. This seems like it should be easy but I have having some issues. My company is making 4 of the exact same machines for a client with one ABB IRB1600 per machine. I have programed and debugged the first machine with the intentions of just doing a back up on that robot and loading it into the others and then would just have to reteach my work object and verify points and it should be good. 

The issue I am having is that when I restore from the back up of the first robot it has me update the rev counter no big deal. However when I go to do that it gives me an error saying that the serial numbers do not match. My assumption is that doing a restore from the first robot is copying the serial number too. 

Is there a way to do a complete copy of the first robot and load it in not just my programs but my I/O's rob targets and entire configuration? 

I apologize if this is a very basic question. I've only been working with robots for about 3 months. 


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Restoring a robot, especially a new robot, is not a good idea. You have already seen that you get the serial number mismatch. The calibration offsets that overwrite each "restored" will create major headache in the near or not-so-near future. No one but you will know why the numbers don't match. But you didn't know that yet. Every robot will have its own calibration offsets, and it would be a greater than one in a million chance that any two matched exactly. Those numbers are very important to the robots positioning. If they are wrong, you will not be able to teach accurate tcp's and linear jogging can and probably will be adversely affected.

       Knowing which config files are ok/not ok to copy from one robot to another, as well as which modules you should load into your duplicate cells will make you a better programmer. Repetition helps to reinforce that knowledge. The "easy" button might seem like a desirable thing, but the cost for such is your knowledge and ability as a programmer.

       Don't take this as a scolding, but as some advice from one who has programmed hundreds, if not thousands of robots over the years.
    Lee Justice
  • I appreciate it. Luckily I took a back up of the new robot before I tried to load anything so I am back to the original blank robot. And trust me I don't take it as a scolding I am 100% in the learning phase of my programing career. Everything is a new lesson haha.

    On the first machine I had some issues with setting up CIP Safety and had to call support. I've had to call them a few times on this project and most of the time they are awesome and willing to teach me what I've done wrong and the correct process. However with the CIP safety call they pretty much had me send them a back up and then sent me a file and told me to load it. When I asked for a better understanding on what I was doing wrong I got that I just need to load that file. Not trying to bash anyone or support they have been great and have been able to help me learn and get this machine up and running however I didn't learn anything which is the big reason for why I'm wanting to just copy the whole robot because I am not sure how to set that up again haha. 

    If you could offer any assistance on what and how to copy any of this over that would be awesome. 
  • If you use a file comparison tool you could see the difference between yours and the corrected one.  I use ultracompare, there are others.
    are you calling ABB support or some support part of your company?

    I haven't worked with CIP safety, but others have.  If this is more specific to what you really need help with, post another thread with that topic.  Many knowledgeable users are here and are also willing to share and help you out.
    Lee Justice
  • I will take at look at Ultracompare and see what I can do there then.

    I was calling ABB support. Like I said I am not trying to bash them at all they are for sure doing their job and helping to get me up and running. I personally just take every time I have to call as a learning opportunity so I seek to understand more each time I call. But I know they have their job to to get me up and running and get to the next caller. 

    I've been trying to use this forum more for the quick questions that don't need immediate response. 

    I apricate all the help I know you've answered other questions for me on here before and are always a great help!!
  • You are welcome.  It sounds like you might be a new person in a small shop without any other or just a few other programmers to look to for help where you are.
    Lee Justice
  • I usually do like this, but surely there are easier ways.
    I take a backup from rob1 and then from rob2. I move files manually over from backup 1 to backup 2. Every now and then I restore backup 2 i rob2 just to catch if there are any problems.
    Note! Don’t move MOC.sys from rob1 to 2. Only edit the original MOC manually, e.g. if you have moved world coordinate system etc.

    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • lemster68 said:
    You are welcome.  It sounds like you might be a new person in a small shop without any other or just a few other programmers to look to for help where you are.
    Yeah I am 3 months in and have never worked with robots before. I am the only robot guy in the shop. Others have experience with robots but we mainly work with Fanuc. No one here has touched ABB before so I'm learning it all haha. I love learning though and am really loving the robotics world. 

    Newman said:
    I usually do like this, but surely there are easier ways.
    I take a backup from rob1 and then from rob2. I move files manually over from backup 1 to backup 2. Every now and then I restore backup 2 i rob2 just to catch if there are any problems.
    Note! Don’t move MOC.sys from rob1 to 2. Only edit the original MOC manually, e.g. if you have moved world coordinate system etc.

    Thanks for the advice I took a quick look at some of those files and started doing almost exactly what you are describing so I'm glad to know I'm on the right track!!