Weaving with ArcL without weld source

edited November 2023 in RobotStudio

I would like to use the weavedata in an ArcLStart/ArcLEnd instruction, without being connected to a weld source. I am testing weaving on a different tool from a welding torch, hence I don't really need the source.

Does anyone know if it is possible at all ? 

I am always getting the error

" RobotWare Arc Error
weld equipment fault
weld controller fault "

I have tried to set the parameter WeldInhibit to On in the Configuration - PROC - Arc Equipment Standard IO tab, but I can't find a way to bypass this error.
To prevent from having wrong parameter settings, I have built my welddata and seamdata based upon data I used in a welding process and they stored in the robot memory.

Thank you in advance for your help


  • Try making a simulated IO unit with the necessary IO signals.
    Lee Justice
  • I have tried to find an exhaustive list of these signals but didn't succeed. Do you know how/where I can get all "the necessary signals" ? There exist so many related to arc properties / weld equipment ...
  • It has been quite some time for me, but to the best of my recollection you may want to look at your proc.sys file.
    Lee Justice
  • Thank you very much for your help