RobotStudio event

Can't Add/Control Gripper in RAPID. PLEASE HELP!!!


I am a Senior working on my capstone project involving the CRB15000 and RobotStudio. I am a computer science major and this is my first time using RobotStudio. I have been trying to add a gripper to my robot and it won't work. My lab uses an OnRobot gripper, but it won't let me import the .STEP file. I tried using the only gripper already available in the environment, the Servo Smart gripper, just to get the logic in place for my program, and I couldn't control it either. I added it to my layout on the lefthand side and dragged it on top of the robot also in the layout, I said yes when it asked if I wanted to update the position, then when I tried to Synchronize it like in the video I watched, the button is greyed out. I tried looking online, and EVERYTHING I get recommended to try is greyed out. Is it something with my environment? Is it because I'm using a student license? I even was going to try to build my own gripper using shapes and I can't do that either. I can't even add a square! I can't download anything to add to RobotStudio, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Is there something In my environment I can check, or is this just how student licenses are supposed to work? Please, any advice is appreciated.

The gripper is supposed to move based on a number received from a TCP connection, but I can't even use RAPID to get it to open and close in general just to make sure it works. The only way I can move it is to jog it.