RobotStudio event

sync to VC in RS window


hi i f i create a module i AWPP and sync to wc there is no promlem.

But if i sync to vc from RS interface i dont get the weldsequence createt from AWPP in the module, why is that.

The reason is that i what "*"(asterix) instead of robtargets in my module.

I will then have to sync from RSaInterface, make all tagets "true" and then sync. then delete the module in RSonline,and then sync again to VC from the AWPP interfaceto get my weldsequence in the module.

Kent Zibrandtsen
Dept manager robot welding


  • Hi, Next release of AWPP will have the function to sync inline targets. As it is today your way of working is correct except you can use programming tab in RS instead of starting RSonline. image