Encoding Rapid Files



  • Jastrab,<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    You can?_Tt decode rapid modules that have been encoded. You have to make backup copy of the original source.

    Also BullsEye software is proprietary, disclosure or modification to the code is strictly prohibited. If you have any problem with BullsEye, please contact your local ABB representative.



  • I'm need only paste one instruction in this modul (set bitXZ).Result this is file.doc.In this file is time and date of check tcp.You understand me? I'm speak and write very bad.

  • Please send to me as well.

  • Hello Marcel,

    do you have this program also for the other way? not for coding for decoding??  
  • Hello Granale

    No, the other way round is not possible. Otherwise you could read the secrets of the swedish modules. Wink


  • How do i load an encrypted module into a system?
    Is there some special way of doing this?

    I tried to load an encrypted module into a system in robotstudio using the load module command on the virtual flexpendant.. This resulted in a systemfailure.
  • The best way is to order the tool "CD Key Maker" from ABB Robotics. This PC-tool will include an encoder function. See the Additional options manual (3HAC023668-001).
  • [QUOTE=Mippaloo]How do i load an encrypted module into a system?
    Is there some special way of doing this?

    I tried to load an encrypted module into a system in robotstudio using the load module command on the virtual flexpendant.. This resulted in a systemfailure.

    I was able to load an encrypted file with no issues. There are only two things that I know of that would prevent it from loading. One, the syntax is incorrect. And two, make sure that the instructions, functions and data types are supported by the options available on that robot. I would try loading the unencrypted version first so you can see what part of the module causes errors.
  • Please send it to me as well.  nwjustforfun@gmail.com
  • Please sent this to me as well nwjustforfun@gmail.com
  • Please send to me as well nwjustforfun@gmail.com
  • Hi!

    Could you please send to me also?



  • Hi,

    I have a software to encode the modules. Send to me a private mensage
    with your email adress and I give to you a software!

    Your faithfully !



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  • Please could you send it also to me..


    Bye Davide Rossi
  • Hello.

    I also like a copy.


    Thank you very much.


  • need the software too..

    could you please send it to me as well



    Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric..
  • Hi,

    i need the software too..

    could you please send it to me as well



  • Thank you Marcel for the software Smile
  • Can you send me one as well? Thanks


  • I would also like
    You can send to me?


  • I have been using encode for many years without any problems. But now I got a new computer with Windows 7 I got a problem. When trying to execute encode i get the following message:
    <?: prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

    <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
    Anyone seen this? Is there a solution? Contacted ABB and they replied that they will no longer support the 12 year old software encode!
  • May I get the Rapid file encoding program?


    C.I.A. Automation and Robotics
  • Opsss... my email in fabio.bergamin@ciaautomazione.it (NOT fabio.bergamin@gmail.com)
    C.I.A. Automation and Robotics
  • need it too..  eugene.automates@gmail.com .. thanks :)
    Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric..
  • Yes this is the good one plz try to share that... to all..

  • Gently,
    could some one send me too?
    Best regards,

    here mail email: davide.rossi@sdrossi.it

    Bye Davide Rossi
  • Hi,
    Please someone send me too?
    Best regards,

     email: yusufkahveci@yahoo.com
  • Jorge
    Jorge ✭✭


    The best way is to order the tool "CD Key Maker" from ABB Robotics.
    This PC-tool will include an encoder function. See the Additional
    options manual (3HAC023668-001).


    ABB Spain, doesn't sell this tool, they say that are a internal tool. Any one bought it on other county?.


    Here is the software to encode. It is 10 years old but still works.



    Wink Hint: Don't change the recommended directory: C:encode to put these files in.

    Wink Hint: There is no way back (decoding). So keep the original program code.


    Best regards


    Thanks for share the file with us.


    Jorge Turiel

  • Is there any update to this utility software that works in Win 7?

  • Please send to me too