RobotStudio event

Can't warmstart controler in Online

I get thet exeption when trying the online controller. I can edit rapid and change configuration but not restart.

RobotStudio .NET exception: Unknown Error: Warmstart
Base exception: COMException
Exception from HRESULT: 0x800404A5
   at Interop.LgRobServices.LgRobControllerClass.Restart(LgRobCmdParam& pRobParam, LgRobRestartMode restartMode)
   at ABBInternal.OnlineManagement.CommandHandlers.btn_ExecuteCommand(Object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e)
   at ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Environment.CommandBarButton.RaiseExecuteCommand()

Best Regards Klaus
Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Henrik Berlin
    Hi Klaus,

    From the error code, it seems that RS is in some undefined state.

    * Does the problem occur for RC or VC (RC I assume)?

    * Does the problem disappear after you delete and re-add the controller?

    * Does the problem disappear after you restart RS?

    * Can you reproduce the problem (after having worked around it)? If so, what are the steps?

    Henrik Berlin