RobotStudio event

DeviceNames/Download to hdd # RESOLVED [WebWare SDK]


Hi again!

In the manual I did not find a list of valid device-names. Could someone help? What devicenames mean what on IRC5/S4C/S4C+??

also, how do I specify the target of an operation to the local disc?
(I mean f.e. backup a file from S4C+ to local hdd). Do I need NFS/FTP? Can I also do it via S4 commands?

I got a lot of questions, I know. I hope someone could help.

Maybe some code-fragments will help to understand how to do this kind of stuff.

If all is done, i will post an new Topic with all the needed code-fragments.

thx in advance



  • Hello,

    There is a list of File system references in the WebWare SDK Help.

    Please check: Contents tab -> WebWare ActiveX Control Library -> ActiveX Controls ->Helper Control -> Robot Controller File System Reference.

    Methods such as S4Backup will perform a robot backup to the robot memory device only. If you want to transfer files from robot <-> PC, you should use the Helper methods such as S4FileCopy or use the File Manager control

    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • It Still does not work.

    I did the following ....

     '   author: Mathias Richter
     '     date: 2005-02-16
     ' function: lists all available Interlink ALIASes
     '           in debug-window
     Dim i_Counter As Integer
     Dim i_ErrorCodeABB As Integer
     Debug.Print "Displaying all Alias in INTERLINK (" & ABBHelper.AliasListCount & ")"
     For i_Counter = 0 To ABBHelper.AliasListCount - 1
      Debug.Print "Alias[" & i_Counter & "]" & ABBHelper.AliasList(i_Counter)
     Next i_Counter
     '   author: Mathias Richter
     '     date: 2005-02-16
     ' function: connect to a ALIAS (ABB-Robot)
     '           checks Interlink for valid ALIAS
     '           returns connectionstate in debug-window
     '       in: index
     '  remarks: index directly addresses the ALIAS
     '           see: ListAllAlias
     '           check aliasIndex <=?=> aliasName wanted
     Debug.Print "connecting to ALIAS(0)"
     If 0 > ABBHelper.AliasListCount - 1 Then
      MsgBox "Alias nicht in Liste!"
     End If
     ABBHelper.Robot = ABBHelper.AliasList(0)
     Select Case ABBHelper.InterfaceState
      Case ABB_Connected: Debug.Print "Connection established"
      Case ABB_Disconnected: Debug.Print "Connection failed: disconnected"
      Case ABB_Halted: Debug.Print "Connection halted by Interlink"
      Case ABB_NoAliasInList: Debug.Print "Alias not found"
      Case ABB_Simulated: Debug.Print "Connection simulated"
     End Select
     '   author: Mathias Richter
     '     date: 2005-02-16
     ' function: test
     Debug.Print "Testing environment"
     Dim i_ResultSpec As Integer
     Dim i_DirMode As Integer
     Dim l_ResultID As Long
     i_ResultSpec = 3
     i_DirMode = 0              'nicht implementiert und somit 0
     l_ResultID = 0
     'Alle Ordner im Hauptordner anzeigen
     Debug.Print ABBHelper.ErrorMessage(ABBHelper.S4Dir(ABBHelper.DevList(0), s_Path, i_DirMode, i_ResultSpec, l_ResultID))
     Debug.Print "listing all directorys:"
     For i_Counter = 0 To ABBHelper.DirListCount - 1
      Debug.Print "Dir(" & i_Counter & "):'" & ABBHelper.DirList(i_Counter) & "'"
     Next i_Counter
     'Alle Dateien im Hauptordner anzeigen
     Debug.Print "listing all files"
     For i_Counter = 0 To ABBHelper.FileListCount - 1
      Debug.Print "File(" & i_Counter & "):'" & ABBHelper.FileList(i_Counter) & "'"
     Next i_Counter
     Debug.Print ABBHelper.S4FileCopy(ABBHelper.DevList(0), ABBHelper.FileList(0), App.Path & "BackupABB", ABBHelper.FileList(0), 0, l_ResultID)
     Debug.Print ABBHelper.ErrorMessage(ABBHelper.S4FileCopy(ABBHelper.DevList(0), ABBHelper.FileList(0), App.Path & "BackupABB", ABBHelper.FileList(0), 0, l_ResultID))
     Debug.Print ABBHelper.ErrorMessage(ABBHelper.S4Dump(App.Path & "BackupABB.Dump", 0, l_ResultID))
     Debug.Print "done testing"
     '   author: Mathias Richter
     '     date: 2005-02-16
     ' function: disconnect from ALIAS (ABB-Robot)
     Debug.Print "disconnecting from ALIAS('" & ABBHelper.Robot & "')"
     If (ABBHelper.InterfaceState = ABB_Disconnected) Or _
        (ABBHelper.InterfaceState = ABB_NoAliasInList) Then
      MsgBox "Error: no connection"
     End If
     ABBHelper.Robot = ""
     Select Case ABBHelper.InterfaceState
      Case ABB_Connected: Debug.Print "Connection stil alive"
      Case ABB_Disconnected: Debug.Print "Connection disconnected"
      Case ABB_Halted: Debug.Print "Connection halted by Interlink"
      Case ABB_NoAliasInList: Debug.Print "Connection terminated"
      Case ABB_Simulated: Debug.Print "Connection stil simulated"
     End Select

    the routine getdevices ...

    Public Sub GetDevicesPresentABB()
    '   author: Mathias Richter
    '     date: 2005-02-16
    ' function: get the devicenames from the robot-
    '           controller
    '  remarks: displays devicenames in direct-window
     Dim i_ResultSpec As Integer
     Dim l_ResultID As Long
     frmTest.ABBHelper.S4GetFileDevInfo 0, l_ResultID
     Debug.Print "Displaying devices present (" & frmTest.ABBHelper.DevListCount & ")"
     For i_Counter = 0 To frmTest.ABBHelper.DevListCount - 1
      Debug.Print "Dev(" & i_Counter & "):'" & frmTest.ABBHelper.DevList(i_Counter) & "'"
     Next i_Counter
    End Sub

    my output is:

    Displaying all Alias in INTERLINK (3)
    connecting to ALIAS(0)
    Connection established
    Testing environment
    Displaying devices present (1)
    Unknown Error
    listing all directorys:
    listing all files
    Unknown Error
    Unknown Error
    done testing
    disconnecting from ALIAS('S4VIRTCRTL')
    Connection terminated

    All S4Filecopy and S4Dump return the code 0, but when I look into the directory it is still empty

    what did I wrong?

  • Are you communicating with a real robot or a Virtual Controller?

    You are trying to save the backup generated by S4Dump on a local PC, which is not a supported behaviour. You can use the S4Dump & S4Backup methods on the the robots memory device only.

    For instance, try the following:
    Dim intTest As Integer
    Dim lngResult As Long
    intTest = AxHelper1.S4Dump("robotdir", 3, lngResult)

    Also, as long as you are using the value 0 as a ResultSpec, you will not recieve proper error messages (see my previous post on ResultSpec codes).

    Are you sure that the path is correct when copying the file?

    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • Okay i found the error:

    devicename is "ram1disk:"

    app.path is "c:abbackup"

    both have to be ended by "" so i modyfied like this:

    Debug.Print ABBHelper.S4FileCopy(ABBHelper.DevList(0) & "", ABBHelper.FileList(0), App.Path & "", ABBHelper.FileList(0), 3, l_ResultID)

    both works fine.image
