RobotStudio event

Error 161 ,



the program is as following??s


VAR shapedata shHome_Area;

VAR wzstationary wzStatHome_Area:=[0];

WZHomeJointDef Inside, joint_space, home_pos, delta_pos;

WZDOSet Stat, home Inside, joint_space, do_inhome, 1;


there is an error ??Oi don't know why??O  responding pleasea_,


Error 161 : Option is missing. : The instruction WZHomeJointDef requires the option World Zones.


  • Hi
    As it says you need the option 608-1 World Zones. In RS you need to create a Virtual Controller with that options and for a real controller you need a new controller key(get in contact with your ABB sales office). 
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • oh ,i see ,thanks...