RobotStudio event

conveyor tracking and ConfL

the problem we met is that we can not use the "confL/on" in the case of "conveyor tracking" in which a workobject moving with the conveyor. So when we run a "MovL" commando, the robot performance a sweeping movement which is a fatal problem in this case,specially when it paints a window which has a dimentiion over 200~{!h~}200.We have been thinking to add some extra points between  the two ends, but in this case we have vision system which gives the four corner points of a window, the middle point will change with the demension of the window and is unpredictable.

is there anyone know the solution



  • Hi Xin,

    I guess your problem depend on that the robot will use different configurations depending on how long the workobject have been moved by the conveyor.

    I think the only solution is to use ConfLoff.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics