IO simulator


Is there anything like the IO simulator in RS 3.x available in RS 5.0? Very helpful in testing RAPID cell control applications. 


:) Regards,


  • Hi Jan-Jaap
    In the next release of RS there will be a new IO simulator with a lot of improvments compared to the one in RS 3.2, but for now you have use RobotStudio Online to simulate your IO's.
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hi Per,

    How do I force an input or output? In RSonline, I get the message: "the operation failed due to safety reason!".

    :) Regards,
  • Hi Jan-Jaap,

    If you change the Access Level for the I/O-signal to ALL, it will be possible to force it in RSO. You will find this setting in RSO under: Configuration - I/O - Signal.


    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello,

    Is there anything in the released verision similar to the event table - connect the IO to the parts in the simulation?  I have been able to set up the IO through Robot Studio Online.

    Thank you.


  • Hello Kave,

    No, it is not possible to use event tables in this version.

    But in the next release will we have event tables and a I/O-simulator.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
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