How Can I read robot TCP speed?

Hi Everybody 

I have a big question for you maybe answer can be easy for you :) I want to use robot tcp speed. For exaple I made a speed data as V125. And V125 TCP speed is 125. Then I want to see this value on my touch screen panel by profibus connection. I have a profibus unit on my units. 

I tried to make virtual unit then 
create analog output as deneme then 
create system output as TCP speed on deneme 
then tried to write this value to a group output but ı coundt 

Please can you help me about this subject. I hope you can find a soulitoun for me :)
Thanks All


  • Hi

    You could try it with the following EIO.CFG

    Best regards



          -Name "Virtual1" -ConnectorID "SIM1"

          -Name "Profibus_FA1" -BusType "PBUS" -ConnectorID "FA1"\
          -ConnectorLabel "Profibus-DP Fieldbus Adapter"

          -Name "Virtual" -VendorName "ABB" -ProductName "Virtual unit"

          -Name "DP_SLAVE_FA" -BusType "PBUS" -VendorName "ABB Robotics"\
          -ProductName "Profibus-DP Fieldbus Adapter Slave" -InternalSlave \
          -PB_ProductId 6161 -PB_InputSize 50 -PB_OutputSize 50

          -Name "ProfiBus" -UnitType "DP_SLAVE_FA" -Bus "Profibus_FA1"\
          -PB_Address 10

          -Name "UnitSim" -UnitType "Virtual" -Bus "Virtual1" -TrustLevel 0

          -Name "aoSurfSpeedTCP" -SignalType "AO" -Unit "ProfiBus"\
          -SignalLabel "Surface Speed Robot in mm/min" -UnitMap "192-207"\
          -Access "All" -MaxLog 0.54612 -MaxPhys 0.54612 -MaxBitVal 32767


          -Name "ALL" -Rapid  -LocalManual  -LocalAuto  -RemoteManual  -RemoteAuto

          -Status "TCPSpeed" -Signal "aoSurfSpeedTCP" -Arg1 "ROB_1"


  • Thanks Marcel ı will try that. Can I read current tcp speed? 

    thanks again 

  • With that configuration it will be sending the TCP speed out all the time because it's defined using a System Output which is always updating even if your robot program is stopped!

  • Ercan said:
    Thanks Marcel ı will try that. Can I read current tcp speed? 

    thanks again 

    Hello Ercan, Have you tried that ?