RS6.03 freezes creating a system


I would like to test the External Axis Wizard, and I started following the Henrik Belrin tutorial from youtube.

When I try to create a system from the current offline desing, the RS freezes. I tried with the 32 and 64 bit versions. Even with different Robotwares: 6.03.02, 6.02.01,...

It's freezing all the time in this step, (sorry for the spanish version of the software).

Looks like the RS is not able to create a system from the current offline design even though there is no a track in the design. I've just tried it dropping an IRB6400 in the Station.

Could anybody help over here?



Un saludokind regards,

Daniel Aguilar

Automation Engineering


  • Hello
    Are you selecting any options in the previous steps?
    Have you tried to reinstall studio?
  • Same case with me.  Tried creating system from layout and it freezes. 
  • Hello
    Please try it with RS6.04 and report if it still fails.
  • Hello
    Please try it with RS6.04 and report if it still fails.
    Finally I formatted the whole Pc.... now is working, but this is quite annoying. Is the  3rd time in 1 year that I formatted the PC because RS stucks somewhere, and even reinstalling RS, cleaning register and whatever you could do, still happens the same...

    I'm actually working with RS6.04

    Un saludokind regards,

    Daniel Aguilar

    Automation Engineering