RobotStudio event

Motion Supervision Tune Values.


Wondering if anybody can help out, when you use the motion supervision tune value in your RAPID program, for example setting the value to 150, where can I see/monitor what value I am running at?

From reading the manual, in one sentence it says that you add the tune value to your current supervision value up to a maximum of 300%. But then later on it says if you set a tune value in your program it temporarily sets the robots supervision value to the value that you have tuned to. 

So what I want to know is, when I use the tune value does it add to the current supervision value (displayed in the control panel), or does it change to whatever amount you put in the line of code that you use.

And finally, where can I see if a tune value is currently being applied and what it's value is.

Thanks, Tommy.


  • j_proulx

    If you have the Collision Detection option you can change the sensitivity of the Motion Supervision using the MotionSup instruction. The value of the MotionSup can go from 0 to 300. The larger the number the less sensitive to collisions. But this is a percentage of the value in Motion System Parameter /  Path Collision Detection Level.

    The Path Collision Detection Level is the sensitivity of the robot to collisions without the Collision Detection option. It is also the base value for the MotionSup instruction.

    So by default, the robot will come with a Path Collision Detection Level of 100. The value in the MotionSup instruction will be a percentage of the 100 level. If you modify the Path Collision Detection Level to 150, making the normal collision detection less sensitive, the MotionSup instruction will be a percentage of the 150 level.

    There is no way in RAPID to get the current settings. You need to keep track. Perhaps use a persistant num data to set always set the TuneValue in the MotionSup instruction.