Robot axis configuration error

edited July 2016 in RobotStudio

I am getting this error when sending the robot arbitrary targets:

I was wondering if anyone knew of a error handler or what the ERRNO is? Basically I want to send the user a warning message saying that the target will cause this error and allow time to change the configuration before moving.

Thank you for any help,


  • Don't think it's possible. you have to check if the target is reachable by your self using CalcJointT and take care of that in the error handler
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Pers,

    Thanks for the reply. Well I am using CalcJointT in my error check routines. But for some reason it isn't picking up on certain targets, but on others it is. I think I get this error only when I am trying to move Linearly. Is there a way to check for singularity in the middle of a move, like with an interrupt routine or something?
