how to move macro from station to user

To use a macro with event is have to be placed in "Station Add-ins" and if i want to use it in other stations it have to be in "User add-ins".

When i have moved it to station Add-in i cant move it back to user Add-in and use it in other stations.

Am i doing something wrong?

Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hi Klaus!

    I think I know what you mean... the macro is saved in a project; then if you create a new station you can open the project again and when you debug it this macro will be included in the VSTA User Add-Ins and you will be able to load it in the new station.

    Hope it helps!

    Best Regards,



    Best Regards,

  • Sorry, even easier, no need to open the project, right button over the name of the project (it should be in VSTA User Add-Ins if you saved it) and Load Add-In...

    Best Regards,

    Anna image



    Best Regards,
