Smart Gripper not working


I have a Yumi and am trying to calibrate the grippers. However, when I click the Smart Gripper program on my Flex Pendant, I can click the configuration icon and turn them on, but I cannot click on the icons for the left and right grippers for some reason and am therefore unable to move them.

For reference, I am using RobotWare 6.09 and SmartGripper 3.55

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hello, 

    I had the same problem with my Yumi dual arm. You need to upgrade the robot's memory (FlexPendant Calibration - Advanced and upgrade their robot memory) and then restart the system. If It not working, try restarting again, because I resolved this problem after 5 full restarts. 

    But if you still don't get it you can do an advance restart before saving backups.