problem viewing paths in rs studio


I am having an issue viewing paths in robot studio after I load a module, for some reason in elements it doesn't show any of my moves, does anyone know what could be causing this?

Thanks in Advance,

dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:37:37


  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭

    What kind of moves does you have in your module.
    By default RS only supports

    all others need to be defined in the Instruction Manager so that RS knows how to handle them

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi,

    I only have those moves and I useually don't have this issue with other programs but for some reason I still can't see the paths.

    Thanks again,

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:37:30
  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭

    Do you get any errors when you do a sync to station (log window)If you post the module I could have a look at it.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • DanS
    DanS ✭✭

    I had this problem too at one point. 

    I was able to work around by defining all the used datatypes (welddata, weavedata, speeddata, seamdata, etc.) that are used in the Rapid instruction via the teachpendant.

    However, I was never able to successfully bring in searches.

    DanS2007-5-22 19:23:28