Storing a group output value to a variable

Hello All,
Am using IRB6700 robot for pick and place Palletization application. i recive the count values from siemens PLC using profinet. Assigned Group Input and Group Output to receive decimal values from PLC to robot. But i do nit know how to store the decimal values of Group Output in a variable.

Any sample code would be helpful. Or any other method also appreciated.


Best Answers


  • Thanks all.

    Also i would like to know is there any way to send and receive integer from PLC via Profinet instead of using Group inputs and outputs.
  • Set it up as an analog signal.  Refer to system parameter manual, inputs/outputs.
    Lee Justice
  • Prasanna
    edited December 2019
    Hello all.

    I have got an error when executing the following Instruction:
    Var Signalgi PINFEED_CNT;
    var num count;

    Am getting Alias IO instruction error. 
  • The group input needs to be setup in the EIO configuration file not in RAPID.

    Are you using RobotStudio to do your programing or via the teach pendant?